Luke 1:37 — For with God nothing shall be impossible. (KJV)
For twelve years, the woman with the blood issue spent everything to get a cure and all to no avail. However, after she met the one who does the impossible, history was made (Mark 5:25-34). Similarly, Lazarus had died for four days, yet when Christ stepped in, the already decayed man bounced back to life (John 11:10-45). What a miracle! And, that is why I am praying today— irrespective of the unfavourable legal, business or medical report, God shall turn your story to glory, in Jesus’ name!
A few years ago, a woman’s womb got damaged and removed. But, after she held on to God, in 2016, she delivered a set of quadruplets (2 boys and 2 girls) to the amazement of the medics. Indeed, if God could do it in the old and our present times, what then are your issues? Health, finance, accommodation, fruitfulness, how to marry or please God. Perhaps, family and friends have written you off and neighbours are mocking. Whatever the case, when you encounter Jesus, you will have a better story to tell (Mark 7:31-37).
Beloved, take note this month even as our Bible reading reassures that all things are possible with God.
Therefore, we only need to cry out in prayer and believe that it is done (1 John 5:14-15). Amen. Be Born Again!
Hymn: Jesus Saves — Priscilla J. Owens (1882)
01. Praise God wholeheartedly for a new season of a glorious turnaround.
02. Thou story changer— Jesus Christ! Change my situation today (mention).
03. By the power that divided the Red Sea, my mountains, fall apart!
04. Where I was rejected, this June, I shall be accepted and elevated.
05. Lord, this month, restore Your church, nations and families to their original order.
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