Leviticus 6:13 – The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out. (NIV)

A lady was frying beans cake, and having fried two batches, the oil became very hot that she had to turn off the cooker. And, because the oil was already hot, she fried another batch without switching on the fire. However, to fry the fourth batch, the cooker was turned back on, to reheat the oil. That moment, the Holy Spirit likened the scenario with what happens in the spiritual realm:

If you have a gift or a calling; maybe to teach, preach, intercede, or lead worship, the power of God would descend mightily (Acts 1:8). But, when the fire goes out, we may function for some time such as the already boiled oil, only to spark out for lack of power (Revelation 3:15-16). Therefore, as our Bible reading warns, we need to maintain the fire so it does not go down. We must continually study the Word and recharge our battery (pray), to last longer. Without these, we will run dry!

The Bible says if the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do? The response can be found in the secret place of the most high (Psalm 11:3; 91:1). Daily, we should seek God wholeheartedly (Proverbs 18:15 (KJV)— the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. I pray! The wisdom and power you require to stay relevant, shall be released to you, in Jesus’ name.

Hymn: Let the Fire Fall on Me — William J. Henry (1926)

01. Holy Ghost! Revive me and baptise me with Your fire.

02. Father, do not allow me quench in the way of life, career and calling.

03. Lord, empower my family, the church and I, to make it to the end.


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