Mark 10:46-52 (47) – When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth, he shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!”. (KJV)
Only Bartimaeus can explain the pressure and discouragement he experienced from the people the day Jesus passed by. Christ’s followers tried everything to silence Bartimaeus, but the blind man never kept quiet. As seen in our Bible reading, he screamed more until he drew Jesus’ attention. Do you know that it was only the one who cried out that got a divine encounter while others who were with Christ received nothing? They were busy with the activities and not praying!
Beloved, it could be that you do not have the money or connections, and you may be challenged with a disability like Bartimaeus’ blindness. The medics might even have given up on your condition. But the good news is that you still have a heart and a mouth. Use what you have to get what you want. After all, the best time to strike is when the iron is hot—pray when the storm is rife and pray harder when it doesn’t even make sense to pray!
This morning, you will put every distraction away and cry to God in prayer. Today might just be the day you have waited for, just as Bartimaeus received his sight. Seize the moment. Do not shut up.
Hymn: Christian, seek not yet repose — Charlotte Elliott (1836)

  1. Thank God for the new month and for your health, salvation, and providence.
  2. Father, everything I need to serve You better, please release to me.
  3. Father, scatter every household wickedness programmed to terminate my joy this season.
  4. A Blank Cheque: Ask for what money cannot buy!
    P.U.S.H – Pray Until Something Happens!

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